A wide variety of styles and looks can be achieved by selecting from the following:
- Stone - chose from a variety of different size and colour aggregates
to create your ideal floor
- Grind depth -select a speckled,
partial or complete exposure of your chosen aggregates
- Colour - when
chosing your cement, a variety of colours can be obtained
- Finish
- chose from a high polish, mid-gloss, matt, indoor, outdoor, or non-slip wet-area
- Extras - add sand, glass, shell or coral to give your new
floor a unique look
Coastal Polished Concrete recommends consultation with your builder and engineer
regarding all other concrete specifications for new concrete.
Existing Concrete
For existing concrete, style selection will be pre-determined
by the existing concrete's colour, additives and aggregates, however different
finishes can be achieved by adjusting the depth of grind and finishes.
Chose from a speckled, partial or complete stone look, and complete your
new look with indoor, outdoor or non-slip wet-area finishes.